One of the most asked questions is what inspired me to write a story. For each story it’s different. Sometimes, the inspiration is a line of dialogue that comes to me…normally in my sleep, or maybe the title inspires me (which is rare since coming up with titles at times can be as torturous as writing they synopsis). Maybe it’s a character that whispers to me and I ignore them for a few days or week until something fully forms. For me the creative process is rather easy since I seldom sit down to write a story that hasn’t already morphed fully in my head. Or at the very least I have the start and the end and the middle is something that will take care of itself once I’m in the process of writing.
However this isn’t to say I don’t need the occasional inspiration to keep going. The middle is normally the hardest part of the book for me to write. Well, that and any intimate scenes I may choose to include are difficult for me as I don’t want to lose and this is where my inspiration wall comes into play!
For every writer this is a different thing. For me, it’s a corkboard with my covers printed and hung, a reminder that yes, you can start and finish a story that is worthy for publishing. Then I have my knick knack shelf. I have signed ballet slippers from April Daly (dancer with Joffery Ballet), Eiffel Tower statues, framed pictures of me and my writing family that I make sure I hook up with at least once a year. And on the wall directly in front of my desk I have an original painted writer fairy hanging inspiring me to get to it.
But when these things don’t work, I do tend to head out to the blogosphere, or Pintrest or Facebook, which, generally means I’ll be suitable (or unsuitably depending on your outlook) for at least an hour if not more. Yeah all those places have the ability to suck you in like no one’s business. But, it helps.
So what do you do to inspire you to do something?
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