Monday, April 23, 2012


It's time to catch up with Damien and Hannah and find out exactly why those pilots in the air are so much trouble! My follow up to The Trouble with French Kisses is available now! Download THE TROUBLE WITH PILOTS now! Available on Smashword, Kindle and Nook!

Weddingdress designer Sarah Harper’sbest friend is getting married and Sophie has been asked to design thedress. Whenshe discovers it means getting on a plane for Paris, all her flyingfearsspring to life. But this is for her best friend, Hannah, and thenotoriety ofdesigning a dress for the bride of one of France’s nobility is anopportunity Sarahcan’t pass up. Even if it means sitting beside an off-duty pilot.Sophie sworeoff pilots when she left her ex, but her seatmate’s touch and spicyscent makeher forget all about the flight, and her promise. She blames themedication her doctor gave herand her naughty dreams on what happens just before landing.

TreyChasen is finally taking somewell-deserved time off and uses his friend’s engagement as an excuse toseeParis. At first, Trey lamented the loss of another jet-setter to thearms of agood woman, but he soon felt something was missing in his own life.When hesees his seatmate, his interest is instantly sparked, yet not in a wayhe’sused to. Using her fear of flying as an excuse to touch her, hediscovers hewants to get to know this pixie of a woman better. He just didn’texpect itwould be so soon, or during the flight.

Whenthe two realize their destinationswere the same, it’s Hannah and Damien who set Sarah and Trey straightabout the importantthings in life. Can Hannah put aside her trouble with pilots to findlove? Treylikes is a challenge. Before Sophie returns to the States, he’s goingto makesure he’s proved to Sarah that pilots aren’t trouble but worth loving.

Monday, April 2, 2012

Happy April everyone! I must say
this weekend I was lazy and spent the two days at the beach. Just detoxing and relaxing.
Things have been a little stressful around here lately and I find that if you
don’t give in and have a down day…or in my case down weekend you’ll just
implode. The weather this weekend was beyond awesome, and the beach was so
pretty, the water was an amazing color blue and not as cold as I thought it
would be as active as the wave and current action was. I spent a few hours each
day just drinking in the sun (I’m sunburn free thank you very much) and reading
Maya Bank’s latest KGI novel. I just love her and was sucked into her imaginary
world of butt kicking take name later hotties. When I read while I’m writing it
has to be something totally different then what I’m working on at the time. So
how do you detox or unwind? What’s your preferred method?